We're drinking cider and watching this lovely view outside:
I left the flash on by accident for this one, but accidents sometimes turn out okay: First snow is always the best. Ask me how much I love this weather in March and I might change my tune.
Happened to be in the city this weekend for a little. I've never been in the village before, so I spent most of my time wandering the random streets in search of nothing in particular. Some images:
Getting ready for the Holidays.
This was one of the first stores I saw, then I realized what it was for. Fun logo, though.
We roasted our own coffee last weekend. This store looks like the perfect place to hone the craft. It smelled lovely, even outside.
I was meeting a friend or I would've eaten here right away. Fluffernutters for life.
There were two chess shops near each other. I'm a horrible player, but I love the different boards.
Unfortunately, I was too sleep deprived to fully appreciate The Strand in all it's glory.
I just want to know how hard it was to drag the piano into the subway.
I wish I had got the shot of the priest in full robes walking out of Barnes and Noble. It was such a great moment. Also, saw a bald eagle carrying it's prey on the trainride down the Hudson. Wandering any city is always my favorite part, moreso than shopping or museums or clubs.
My first time mixing color to get a sort of sepia-gray (I used renaissance black, which has a lot of brown in it). I didn't realize how hard it would be. There should be a chemistry class dedicated to mixing inks.
Field trip to Ansun Graphics tomorrow. I'm really excited to see a real printing press after hanging out in the print studio all semester. Hopefully it'll smell like the print place where my mom got her business cards made back in the day.
From the TS Eliot poem "The Hollow Men." Larger version here.
Poem lines: "This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a wimper."
The finished typeface: Sorry it's so small, but it took ages to even get blogger to post this. Apparently it doesn't like JPEGS saved from Adobe. Larger version here.